...my pursuit of a better me...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My weekend...

So, I didn't post yesterday. Oops. I had a rather busy day, and by the end of the evening, I wanted to spend quality time with Steve that didn't involve me staring at my computer.

Nothing. Terrible, terrible, terrible.
[Early] lunch: 1 serving of tortilla chips with salsa; salmon, cilantro rice, steamed broccoli, water & lemon.
Snack: Nothing. Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. I'm not fueling my body all day long. I think Michelle was onto something when she mentioned bringing a little lunch box/cooler with me EVERYWHERE.
Dinner: grilled haddock, collard greens, red beans, corn bread, and water. OMG, this was tasty.
H20 intake: 40oz. Improvement.

bagel "thin" breakfast sandwich. I found these things called "bagel thins" at Walmart grocery - they're half the thickness of bagels, and half the carbs. Cool! only 110 cal. Anyway, on the sandwich was ham, egg white, tomato, and 1/2tbs of lite mayo; skim milk.

So, today Steve and I are beginning the process of preparing to move once again. On our agenda: sifting through every book on our bursting bookshelves, and boxing up the ones we don't want/need. We'll give them to Half Price Books (I'm a huge supporter/customer). Also, I'm taking another step in "cleansing myself of this phobic body image I have." We're going through my closet and getting rid of clothing that doesn't fit me, I feel uncomfortable in, is worn, I no longer like, or I feel "fat" in. We'll be donating all of it. Trust me - I could clothe a large village. To explain, this is very difficult for me. We've tried doing this before, and I got extremely emotional about accepting what I've done to my body by getting rid of clothing I could once where. Bless Steve's heart, he backed off and just supported me by allowing me to hang on to them. This week, though, he said "it's time." He somehow--I don't know how--made me feel like it's ok to look "it" in the face and "clean house." The up-side is that we're going to donate the clothing. I love him for focusing my attention on that. He played into the social worker in me. Also - we're about to have SO much closet space.

PS... I couldn't help it! I weighed myself today. I'm 181.2!!! I've lost 2.8lbs. I must say, I'm somewhat disappointed by the slow weight loss. I don't think I've ever lost this slowly when I'm really trying. Am I getting old? Maybe I'm not doing everything right. I think some of the things I need to focus on are: planning meals, having healthy snacks, controlling my portion sizes, and drinking more water. We'll see how that works.



  1. You haven't been doing this long...AND it's, more than likely, healthy weight loss. Great work. It's like Ox said, if you lose it fast, odds are, you'll put it back on fast.

    Keep up the great work.

  2. Sooooo insanely proud of you!! Looks like Drew is going to have some competition on the workouts when he gets back :)

  3. Thanks, CPT C. You're probably right. And thanks, Michelle! Bring it, Drew!
