...my pursuit of a better me...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tackled the Murph WOD!

Ok, can I just say I DID IT!! I've been procrastinating on this WOD, because let's be honest, it scared the living crap out of me. But, after 2 days of nursing my ever-tender shins, I had to do something fierce. And, I feel awesome.

Workout: The [modified] Murph WOD (thank you, LT Murphy for your sacrifice. I will think of you each time I do this WOD, with the ultimate goal of carrying additional weight like you carried during this intense workout. See the italics and video link below for some back-story on this amazing hero.)
1 mile run
50 Ring-Rows (in place of pull ups. I problem-solved at my gym, and created a ring-row from one of the machines!)
100 Push-ups
150 Squats
Time: 54:31

This was crazy. Just crazy. It was awesome though. The first mile, I ran the whole time, not letting up. Honestly, I could've gone faster, but I found myself at odds with deciding how to pace my time/strength. Also, not one of these sets did I do seamlessly (unbroken). I found myself needing to pause to rest for a few seconds here and there. But, for the most part, I did: 10 RR's, pause, 10 more, pause, etc. Then 10 knee PU's (yes knees. After those RR's and run, I practically fell on my face on my first regular PU), pause, 10 more, 1 min. break, 10 PU's, pause, 1 min. break, etc. Then 30 squats, pause, 30 more, pause, etc. UGH! My last mile was a 14 min mile. WOW. I was hurting. I probably ran about half of it, power-walking in between. But, my proud moment was the last 1/4 mile - I hauled ass. I simply refused to have slower than 14 min, so I ran as hard as I could, upping the speed on the treadmill every 20 seconds or so. YIKES!

Breakfast: 1/2c 2% cottage cheese. OMG, yum. I'll never eat 1% again. Also, egg whites, and a corn tortilla with a little balsamic vinegar. I know, weird. But it's what I was craving.
Snack: nothing. BAD.
Lunch: crackers and cheese (cheddar); salad w/tiny bit of regular ranch and lite vinaigrette, walnuts, dried cherries; and minestrone soup (homemade by Donna!). This was iffy. The crackers and cheese I should've done without, but I was thinking that my tummy was grumbling and I hadn't had a snack... so isn't it better to eat a little something (anything) than nothing at all? Ugh. I don't know the answer to that.
Snack: nothing. BAD.
Dinner: braised short ribs, zupa toscana, some green beans, a couple bites of portabella mushroom rissotto. Olive Garden. Date night with Steve.
H2o intake: TERRIBLE! Like, 30oz. But, I did have 3 glasses of raspberry tea at Donna's. So, if I include that, it was like 54oz. Either way this is not good. I know I need more; it helps with not overeating, being healthy, working out better... UGH.

Lindsey mentioned something to me today. She said that she read once that a person's h20 intake sort of depends on how much they weigh. I want to google this and find out. That's my mission. Also my mission: workout at least one day this weekend, since I feel like I didn't do enough this week. Cardio and abs. I can do it. Also my mission (getting redundant...): plan out meals for this week, so I know exactly was to take out, plan for, etc.


The Memorial Day “Murph” Challenge is a fitness competition to benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (www.specialops.org). SOWF provides college scholarship grants, not loans, to surviving children of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps special operations personnel killed in combat or training missions. The SOWF also provides immediate financial assistance to special operations personnel severely wounded in the global war on terror. The SOWF fills an important void as the people who are benefiting from it are George Orwell’s rough men – The ones who are out there at the really sharp end. It is their kids that use this fund and we can think of no one more deserving.

If you are not aware the Special Operations community is made up of: Rangers, Green Berets, Navy Seals, Air Force Pararescue Jumpers, USMC Force Recon, etc. These guys have been on the front lines of the war on terror from day one. No matter how you feel about the war these are some of the most dedicated people in the world. You don’t hear much about what they do, and they prefer it that way. These are the true “silient professionals”. It is not only time that we say “Thanks” – we must also give them our support.

Lt. Michael Murphy

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y. who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it ‘Body Armor’. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Video on YouTube: http://vodpod.com/watch/1215221-the-origin-of-murph-crossfit-wod


  1. Great work on this WOD! This is a truly inspiring WOD. Go back and edit, though. You forgot to mention that the WOD has a mile on both ends. Great work banging this one out! I'm proud of you and keep it up!
